Employer Branding Certifications


Employer Branding Professional

You’ll be certified as Employer Branding Professional. A 2-month certification process on our beginners-moderate program. We’ll empower you through a comprehensive knowledge and understanding about Employer Branding which will sharpen your employer branding skill. At the end of each module, you have to answer the following questions on online quiz session.

Please enroll to Employer Branding Professional Certification first

Only those who certified as Employer Branding Professionals could join Employer Branding Leadership Certification.

We will send you an email notification once this advanced certification program is ready to enroll.

Employer Branding Leadership

You’ll be certified as Employer Branding Leadership. A 3-month certification process on our advanced program. We’ll guide you to work all of each step on 7 Strategic Steps of Employer Branding Journey. At the end of the course, you have to submit your own employer branding strategy.

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